Numurkah Solar Farm
Project Start/Finish Date: October 2018 - March 2019
Client: Downer
95,000m2 of subgrade improvements through lime stabilisation
Bulk earthworks for substation hardstand
95,000m2 of internal and CFA access road construction
Installation of box culverts including headwalls and beaching
Wet hire plant for dust suppression and other minor works
Biomix Civil Works – Stage 1 & 2
Location: Stanhope, Victoria
Date: Feb 2018- June 2019
Client: Biomix
Construction of civil works for new green waste recieval facility and composting hardstands, including:
30,000m3 of structural fill excavation, conditioning, and placement
35,00m2 of cement treated hardstand construction
12,000m2 of roads and
7,500m2 of concrete pavement.
Interface and co-ordination works so as to not impact on existing operations
Works completed 1 month ahead of schedule